Calendar: Change the amount of days in week view (10.8)

It is possible in Mountain Lion’s Calendar app to change the numbers of days displayed in the week view. If you want to display 14 days in the week view use this command:

defaults write CalUIDebugDefaultDaysInWeekView 14

Restart the Calendar app to make the changes effect.

Restore the default setting:

defaults write CalUIDebugDefaultDaysInWeekView 7

3 thoughts on “Calendar: Change the amount of days in week view (10.8)

  1. Thank you for this code. I searched high and low and none posted were compatible with mountain Lion, this worked Thanks! the debug menu is not visible but i do have a 14 day week 🙂

  2. With the update to 10.8, showing more than 7 days in week view screws with the Current Time Indicator (the red dot with a line at the left of the window).

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