Disable CD/DVD media burning in OS X Finder

You can prevent users from burning CD/DVD media on your Mac. Enabling this command will result in the following message when trying to burn a CD or DVD: “The operation can’t be completed because you don’t have the necessary permission”.

defaults write com.apple.finder ProhibitBurn true

To make the command take effect, you need to restart the Finder.

killall Finder

Re-enable the media burning with:

defaults write com.apple.finder ProhibitBurn false


1 thought on “Disable CD/DVD media burning in OS X Finder

  1. Tried to burn a data DVD and the burn button was grayed out. Searched the Apple support and discussions sites with no luck. Reinstalled the latest 10.8 combo update and was just thinking about surgery on the drive rather than an OS reload and BINGO. Found your site. Copy, Paste, Restart Finder and I’m back in business. Had not seen this site before, now its bookmarked.

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