Activate the default settings for OS X Launchpad

If you want to cleanup OS X Launchpad and restore to default you can use OS X Terminal. The command resets the Launchpad with the default content sorted on a to z basis.

defaults write ResetLaunchPad -bool true

To make the command take effect, you need to restart the Dock.

killall Dock

Revert to the default setting:

defaults write ResetLaunchPad -bool false

3 thoughts on “Activate the default settings for OS X Launchpad

  1. Thanks for this. LaunchPad was really messing up my attempt to reinstall an App. When I deleted it, it remained in LP and reinstalled itself. This was helpful in removing it from LP as well as the applications folder.

  2. Thank you !
    Launchpad had completely changed the apps’ position and this command reset everything.

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