Give OS X a flatter look inspired by iOS 7

The default theme in OS X still has, despite the change in iOS 7, lots of shades and gradient effects incorporated in the theme. This can be disabled by using a terminal command and give the finder window and a few other programs a flatter look. The resulting appearance is flatter and whiter window that’s showing brighter colors and less shadowing

Disable “Go to folder” in OS X

The Go To Folder command is the most useful features in the OS X Finder. If you want to lock down a Mac a bit more than usual, you can disable the Go To Folder menu option and keyboard shortcut using a defaults write command: defaults write ProhibitGoToFolder -bool true To make the command take effect, you need to restart the Finder. killall Finder Revert to the default setting: defaults write ProhibitGoToFolder -bool false Restart Finder