Do you want to take screenshots on a Mac, but without shadow around the window? Then you can disable this by using a terminal command. Since macOS Mojave you have to use a different command than under macOS High Sierra (more info).
Enable Sidecar on incompatible Macs in Catalina
Sidecar lets you extend your workspace by using your iPad as a second Mac display. All the ins and outs about SideCar are explained in this Apple document. Unfortunately not all Macs are compatible for this feature, but there is a workaround that might enable Sidecar. With the use of a terminal command you can use all Macs that can install macOS Catalina for side car. But be aware, it doesn’t always work, but it is worth trying.
Change the layout (rows and columns) of Launchpad
Did you know that you can fully customize the layout of Launchpad? Not only change the placement of icons, but you can also change the number of rows and columns. Use the following commands in OS X Terminal.
Stop Photos from opening automatically on your Mac
Nothing is more annoying that Photos will opens automatically when you connect an iPhone, iPad or other devices to your Mac. Use the following command in Terminal to change this and prevent Photos from opening automatically.
Adding ‘Quit’ option to Finder on a Mac
Did you know you can add the Quit option to the Finder’s application menu? This allows you to easily quit the application. After quitting you can restart Finder by clicking on the Finder icon in the Dock.
Show one application at a time
In macOS and OS X it’s possible to show one application at a time. You can enable a ‘single application’ mode by entering the following command in Terminal:
Solution when File Sharing doesn’t work after Security Update
Earlier this week, a bug in macOS High Sierra was discovered that made it possible to use the root user without a password. That could be dangerous in combination with malware.
Thankfully, Apple is resolving this bug within 24 hours with a security update. Only this has created a new problem that affects a select number of users. If you use file sharing within your own network, this may stop working. You can easily solve this problem with a Terminal command.